At Keep Social Media Social™, we believe in using social media for good to build relationships and foster genuine human connections.
There are many ways we can work together. You may choose us for our agency services, because you’re looking to uplevel your social media game, or to expand your reach via our magazine. Here is how we can serve you and your business:
In 2016, we founded the Keep Social Media Social™ (KSMS) movement to reimagine social media for its original intended purpose: sparking authentic connection and bringing people together. Today, we’ve made our mission to Keep Social Media Social our company name — a testament of our commitment to creating the future of social, the KSMS way.
Our values are not just words; they are the driving force behind everything we do so we think it’s important to tell you upfront who we are and what we believe in.
We love people and are dedicated to creating a space where everyone can thrive
We don't shy away from pushing boundaries and challenging norms, and we’re never afraid to defend what we think is right.
We want to create a world where every voice is heard, respected and valued. We take a holistic approach to being social and make it a point to make people feel welcome.
Our team of experts is committed to helping you navigate the digital landscape with clarity and the right dose of emotional intelligence.
Life is meant to be lived with joy, and that spirit infuses every aspect of our social company. We are grateful to be alive and remain passionate about everything we do.
There is no planet B. So we strive to minimize our environmental impact and contribute positively to the world we all share.
Hi! It’s so nice to “meet” you here.
As you navigate through our website to see if we’ll be a good fit for each other I want to encourage you to envision your brand one year, three year and five years from now. Social media is not a short-term game and working with the right partner can help build your brand equity for the long run and assist in your wildest dreams coming to life. (Really - we’ve had some wild wins with our clients and have brought dozens of visions to reality.)
As you think about your social media and your vision, I also want you to think about people. In today’s social media world we hear a lot about conversions, but not as much about community. Here at Keep Social Media Social™, we believe that if we put community - and people - first, the conversions will come more consistently over time. Look at brands like Vans for a prime example of this - rather than fading away as a brand, they focus on people and community, and continue to lead the market in their industry.
As you think about people, consider your employees, your contractors, your partners, your collaborators, your referrers, your advocates, your volunteers, your board members AND your customers or clients. The power of social media is that we have the ability to reach all of them on a daily basis. That should not be taken lightly!
I’m looking forward to learning more about you and your brand and getting social with you. Please feel free to schedule a get-to-know-each other call anytime!