What if you could pinpoint

What's worth your time

KSMS Social Audit Service

Books on social media
Women reading booklet on KPIs
Social media strategy icon

Win The Return-On-Effort Game

If you’re like many other business owners, entrepreneurs and marketers, you’re constantly bombarded by ideas on what to do differently (or better…) on social. And it can be hard—especially when it feels like competitors are beating you to the punch of the latest trends, you only have so much time in the day to catch up, and whatever time you spend on social is time you’re not committing to other clients or parts of your business.

Faced with this dilemma, when it’s easy to say social media doesn’t work or jump headfirst into scattered acts of content creation, the question many entrepreneurs and creators like you are starting to ask themselves isn’t just “What should we be doing on social?—it’s “What social media efforts are worth us doing?”

With the KSMS Social Media Audit Service, you’ll be able to answer that question…and more.

Challenges you'll be able to solve with a KSMS

You're struggling to justify or advocate for your social media efforts
You're caught in a cycle of content consumption and comparison and lack clear direction on what to do next.
You know social is important, but lack the time, energy and bandwidth to develop a scalable strategy.

What you'll be able to do differently after a KSMS Audit:

Benchmark your efforts against others in the marketplace.
Identify what to keep, cut and create next on your platforms.
Clarify what social media should (and should not) be used for in your business and for your clients.

What Entrepreneurs and Marketers Like You Are Saying

"The scale and depth of our audit from KSMS blew me away. The team had specific insight for every data point and provided extremely productive feedback and advice for our next steps." 
-- Rick, Owner, Quarantine Project Hot Sauce
“The team at KSMS have given me confirmation of what I’m doing right, recommendations on where to improve, but most importantly, clear direction on the best use of my time and resources. The audit will help us grow the Tempe Chamber of Commerce and I am thankful to have clear outlined recommendations based on data and their extensive experience.”
--David John Key, Business Development Director, Tempe Chamber of Commerce
“After receiving my social media audit from the KSMS team, I have an extremely clear social media plan and a sense of hope that everything I was taught through my audit is totally doable and actionable. I can implement what I was taught immediately, and that gives me a sense of relief, allowing my creative mind to keep creating in a much more strategic manner thanks to the powerful audit I received from KSMS.” 
-- Victoria, Owner, Latina Owned Collective  

Match Your Audit Experience To Your Needs

KSMS Audit

Two (2) Live Social Platforms Audit

Audit Report Covering Content, Engagement & Competitors (...and more.)

Current Asset Audit

Audit Review & Intensive Strategy Session

Reach Out to Learn More About Our KSMS Audit Services

Here’s what we need to know to get the conversation started: