October 30, 2019

Brand Photography: Tell Your Story, Be Memorable and Make Your Customers Feel All the Feels

At McLernon & Co. we know that a brand is more than the product or service that you offer. For us, it is the personality of your business and the emotional connection that you have with your customers.

A brand with a human touch, with which the consumer can relate, generates more confidence in that brand and helps to build relationships. Authenticity, cohesiveness, and uniqueness are at the core of a strong brand image.

Impressions matter

When consumers buy a product or service, they are also buying what your brand stands for. Your brand image should reflect your why and who you are.

Brand image is something that we can shape and control, and using photography is an excellent way to do it. Why, you ask? Because humans are visual creatures:

Half of our brain is dedicated to processing visual information

  1. We can identify images seen for as little as 13 milliseconds
  2. At least 65% of people are “visual learners”
  3. We have a remarkable ability to remember pictures
  4. Visual communications are likely to be 43 % more persuasive

Why do you need brand photography?

High-quality, authentic photography is key in conveying the personality of your brand. Pictures speak louder than words and can spark an emotional connection with your clients, from the first time they stumble across your images.

Investing in good photography has its benefits:

  1. It makes you unique and memorable: visual consistency and alignment with your aesthetic photography define your brand identity.
  2. It creates emotional connections: photography gives you a chance to share your brand values, mission and goals with your audience.
  3. It tells your story: visual storytelling captures your audience’s attention, creates a resonating message and emotional connection.

Brand photography can go a long way

At McLernon & Co. we can create beautiful lifestyle, brand and product photography that compliments our client’s brand.

The end result: a strategically created library of images that can be used for paid ads, social media content, or their website.

Check out samples of our work!

  1. On their website
  2. On sales and landing pages
  3. Advertising on Facebook and Instagram
  4. Blog
  5. Social media(feed and stories)
  6. Events
  7. Media features and interviews

Other fun uses!

  1. Submit an image along with your bio when you have a speaking engagement.
  2. Your social media profile pictures
  3. Add to your email signature
  4. Make a funny gif
  5. Send a custom thank you note to customers

“They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That’s why brand photography is so important. This is an opportunity to bring your brand’s vision to life and tell its story through visual content. As a social media agency, we highly recommend investing in quality content to use across your social channels and in your marketing efforts. We love creative directing these photoshoots for our clients”, Amanda McLernon.

Have questions on how to move forward with brand photography, social media, or the strategy behind your marketing? Schedule time with us. We are based in Denver and would love to grab a coffee at our office and get to know you!