August 28, 2019

Pay to Play And Up Your Game On Social Media

At McLernon & Co. we strongly believe that social media should be used to inspire, educate, entertain, start conversations, and connect. However, the social nature of social media platforms makes them a very powerful tool for marketers.

With more brands competing for attention on social media, ordinary posts aren’t cutting it. This is when paid advertising can be effective.

Pro Player

With 2.41 billion monthly active users as of the second quarter of 2019, Facebook is the biggest social network worldwide.

Paid advertising is one of the biggest social media trends to make your business more successful, and when done correctly, advertising on Facebook can be a game-changer.

According to Social Media Today, social referral to eCommerce retail sites has grown by 110% over the past two years. It’s growing faster than any other referral source.

Thanks to its huge, global reach, Facebook is the key player and the social platform driving the most traffic to retail eCommerce sites.

3 Reasons to Pay to Play on Facebook

1. Results

Facebook is one of the top advertising channels online, and digital ad spend accounts for a whopping 51% of total advertising spend in the US.

2. Reach your ideal audience

Facebook Ads targeting features allow you to reach your exact target audience based on age, gender, location, interests, behavior, and engagement with your Facebook page and Instagram profile.

3. Made-to-order campaigns

You can design the perfect experience to grab the attention of your audience using the wide array of formats offered by Facebook ads (photo, video, carousel, slides, collections, instant experience, lead, dynamic, messenger, and more ).

Game Plan

We are on your team and our experts know the ins and outs of Facebook Ads and to help you bring your A-game.

We have created successful advertising campaigns to walk customers down each stage of the conversion funnel to increase awareness, generate leads, and get conversions.

We work with you to strategize unique paid campaigns, and we use the targeting features that this platform offers to serve your ad to people who are most likely to want your products or services.

Game On!

Our Paid Ads experts can develop your Facebook campaign strategy from beginning to end. We’ll set-up, manage and optimize your campaigns, as well as plan and create attention-grabbing ads that convert.

Our team can create paid campaigns outside of Facebook too. We are experts at strategizing and executing campaigns on all social media platforms to generate brand awareness, local awareness, reach and engagement, website and store traffic, video views, lead generation, conversions, sales, messages.

Check out how we play and make it happen!

  1. Brand awareness, social credibility and lead generation
  2. Local awareness
  3. Reach and engagement
  4. Website traffic
  5. Sales

Ready to Score?

In the words of Danielle, McLernon & Co’s Paid Ads Manager, “When it comes to paid ads, we believe that no budget is too small to make an impact. Paid Ads on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Snapchat are great ways to reach a new audience within a specific targeted demographic and geographic location. If you’re a B2C business looking to get your name in front of your ideal customer, it might be time to consider a paid ads strategy”.

Let’s Go The Whole Nine Yards

If you have been considering running a paid advertising campaign to support your brand, or if your campaigns aren’t yielding the Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) you hoped for, schedule time to huddle with us. We are based in Denver and would love to grab a coffee and get to know you.