October 5, 2017

Signs You Should Hire a Social Media Agency

In the gilded age of promoted posts and snapchat filters, businesses are vying for a spot on the social media stage. Why? Because the proof is in the numbers. Over 80% of Americans use a social network.  Over ¾ of the country alone, not to mention global markets. Social media is more than tasteful aesthetics, it is the extension of your business. As a base for strategic marketing, social media provides the opportunity to build meaningful connections and engage with target audiences, while building brand awareness. Maybe you’re reading this, but still on the fence about what value a social presence could actually bring. Well, here’s some thoughts to help you decide if hiring a social media agency is the next step.

It’s time to take things to the next level.

Have you ever seen a social media campaign and thought “ I LOVE THAT, HOW CAN I DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?” Do you have big creative concepts, but just don’t know how to approach getting them off the ground? Having a social media agency on your side can create a drastic shift. Agencies are geared to help you build strategies to carry your ideas to new heights. Working with a team who innovative and willing to take risks, could be your next recipe for success.

You have time to run it, but feel it could be run stronger with a professional.

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was a killer social media presence. It takes creativity, strategy, and consistency. And sometimes, those ingredients are lost in the sea of responsibilities for running a full-time business. While you might be satisfied with your current results, there is immeasurable value in having an extra set of eyes (or a few, in the case of an agency). Working with professionals to maintain your accounts is the most promising way to see results. Social strategists and marketers have extensive backgrounds building solid plans and creating engaging content. Not to mention, it’s literally the agency’s job to keep your social media, so you better believe they’re going to deliver some amazing results.

You have no idea what you are doing.

Social media is designed to be user-friendly, but for maximum impact it is more than randomly posting a couple times a week. In a world where information is at our fingertips (Thankful for Google), it is sometimes easy to overestimate our knowledge base. It is okay to NOT KNOW what you’re doing. Admitting this and asking for help will be the first step toward growing your presence. This is why social media agencies exist! Because there are people out there who love doing this and want to help. No one is expected to know everything, not even the professionals, but that is what you should look for. We value being real, which sometimes is saying “ I don’t know as much as I want about this, but let me commit to finding that answer for you.” “Two heads are better than one” stands true, so don’t walk around in the dark. Find a fun partner to start your social journey with.

You have no time and it’s stressing you the EFF out. (Or you have time, but it’s still stressing you the eff out.)

As a business owner, time management is going to be your best friend. While social media is extremely impactful for your brand, it also requires constant time and effort. Attempting to manage multiple platforms and run other aspects of your business can become a juggling act. If you are starting to feel anxiety-ridden over logging on, it might be time to reach out. With an agency on your side, You can redirect your attention to other facets of your business! Think about it as a parent finding a babysitter while running errands. Yes, you could take your kids around while you complete tasks, or you can get a little help, so that you can focus on being as efficient as possible. Control the controllable, so you can get back to doing what you do best.

If you feel like you fall into one of these categories, we have good news! McLernon & Co. is here to help and is accepting new clients. We are a social media agency passionate about building genuine relationships and delivering results. Our primary focus is to transform our clients’ social media dreams into a tangible reality. Sound good? Email us at amanda@mclernonandco.com and let’s get coffee or cocktails and talk about your business.

Photo by Nick Sorrentino