August 21, 2018

Tru Fru Paid Advertising on Facebook and Instagram

About the Project:

In May 2018, the Tru Fru brand of freeze-dried fruit, immersed in dark chocolate, recruited McLernon & Co. to make a splash in the aisles of select grocers across the United States and Canada. McLernon & Co. developed focused goals of (1) ad engagement via likes, comments and shares and (2) driving traffic to the Tru Fru website to showcase different products offered and direct consumers to the closest retailer, as well as promoting localized store sampling events. Our concentrated effort on product launches and building engagement resulted in growing a loyal audience of Tru Fru fans and strong in-store sales across North America.

The Tactics:

McLernon & Co. carefully analyzed Tru Fru’s product sales and determined that we would serve our ads to Women, Ages 21 – 65+.  Through geotargeting each individual store launch location, McLernon & Co. localized the Facebook and Instagram Tru Fru ads to make them more relatable to the audience we were serving them to, calling attention to specific states or DMAs in almost all of our ads. We utilized Facebook’s Partner Category based on information provided by Oracle Data Cloud and targeted viewers based off their past purchase behavior – this data lead us to believe they’d also be likely to purchase the Tru Fru products.

Tru Fru Social Media

McLernon & Co. took a front seat to the detailed process of concepting, photographing and editing each photo we selected for our Facebook and Instagram ads. Research and focus group polling were utilized before finalizing the copy for each of our ads and A-B testing was used to determine the top performing sets of copy and creative.

Through meticulous analysis, we determined which creative performed best on Instagram, and which imagery worked best when served to consumers on Facebook. We also created and utilized engaging videos, showcasing the versatility of the different Tru Fru products.

We opted to experiment running a portion of these ads through the Instagram Stories placement and were pleased to see higher link clicks, landing page views and engagement on these ads vs. when we had opted not to serve them on the IG Story placement.

Tru Fru social media Instagram story

The Results:

In a short time period, McLernon & Co. has delivered over 1.2 million impressions, has driven thousands of Unique Link Clicks to the Tru Fru website, and our campaign has received thousands of Landing Page Views. Our also client received over 35,500 Post Engagements, including hundreds of Post Shares, Post Comments and Page Likes directly resulting from our Ads. And the comments, likes and shares really spoke for themselves: