October 8, 2019

User Generated Content (UGC) Can Give Your Brand More Than an Ego Boost!

do you trust the word of friends and family?

We do. At McLernon & Co., we also trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. It seems like we are not alone in this. Research shows that these days, 91% of 18-34 year old consumers trust online reviews as much as word of mouth.

In today’s fast-paced and connected digital world, with unlimited knowledge at our fingertips, consumers have the power to research when they want to know, go, do, and buy, and get immediate answers.

Nearly 95% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase.  It’s no wonder why User-Generated Content (UGC) is one of the key tools to help your business be more successful.

what is user-generated content?

It is unpaid content (video, blogs, posts on social media channels, digital images, audio, customer reviews, etc.) created by your own community and published on their social platforms. In essence, it is sharing the voice and experience of your audience.

Simply put, User-Generated Content (UGC) is word of mouth on a digital level!

does your brand need a boost?

UGC may be the perfect aid to help your brand gain authenticity and increase sales and visibility.

1. Credibility Boost

Authenticity is the name of the game to create a trust factor, and one of the best ways to get authenticity is through User Generated Content (UGC). Why? Because consumers are 2.4 times more likely to view UGC as authentic compared to content created by brands.

2. Sales Boost

Nearly 80% of people say UGC has a high impact on their purchasing decisions.

3. Social Boost

91% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Social media provides greater credibility for products and services. Think about it, how often do we look up a product, restaurant, or tourist destination before making up our minds?

4. SEO Boost

UGC provides search engines with fresh and relevant content. According to a TurnTo survey, 87% of search engine results consider UGC as the second most influential element of a purchase decision.

how can mclernon & co. help?

We get it. It’s tough running your own business. All of a sudden you are an accountant, marketer, web developer and more. And on top of that, you need to create high-quality content to keep your customers engaged.

At McLernon & Co. we can:

  1. Develop a UGC strategy and incorporate it into your social marketing efforts.
  2. Conceive and execute tactics to generate and compile UGC (contests, hashtags, reviews, and testimonials).
  3. Build relevant, engaging and great-looking content for your social media channels.
  4. Create a branded hashtag to encourage your community to take part in the conversation, and self-publish content. At McLernon & Co. we have plenty of experience doing this!
  5. McLernon & Co. can find and leverage the right influencer -in Denver or nationwide- to scale upuser-generated content.
  6. Social listening: we listen to collect user-generated content. McLernon & Co. will keep ears out for all mentions of your brand or products to learn what your audience needs.

still hesitant about user-generated content?

At McLernon & Co. we #keepsocialmediasocial. We understand that UGC is made for social. Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter are our jam. We master how to use these social media networks to amplify your voice and reach potential customers. We are your social media allies that can develop a UGC strategy for your brand and execute it in multiple channels.

Have questions on how to move forward with UGC, social media or the strategy behind your marketing? Schedule time with us for a free consultation!