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Recent Blogs And Articles

Social Media Reporting Definitions
In the marketing world, acronyms are like emojis, they’re everywhere! KPI, PPC, CTR… we could go on and on. But when it comes to social media reporting what do those...
Three Takeaways from Chloe of Boxwood Avenue
One of our favorite parts of the & Co. Collective is having the opportunity to connect with like-minded creatives, marketers, and business owners. Sometimes those...
What is Graves’ Disease and Why RAI Treatment?
I was recently treated for Graves’ Disease, and I’ve had a lot of questions about what it was, and how I cured it. This questioning came from the fact that...
A Week Alone & The 3 Incredible Lessons That Came From It
A few weeks ago I was tasked with a challenge that daunted me – I had to spend seven days almost completely alone. (I had RAI treatment for my Graves’ Disease. Read...
Translating the tone and brand into an Instagram grid.
Visual design and imagery are interesting. Our brains are always working overtime taking in subconscious cues from the design around us whether through package design...
Choosing USP tone, words and color palette
The truth is that very few businesses are truly unique. Look around you. How many coffee shops, boutiques and jewelry stores are really that different from the...
What is Branding?
Well, let’s start with what branding isn’t. Branding is not your logo and branding is not marketing. A lot of my coaching clients think branding is simply marketing...
7 Tips to Get The Most Out Of BumbleBizz
Ready to network but don’t know how to connect with like-mind individuals in your area? Or just don’t have time to go to *another* event? Well, now there’s another...
Signs You Should Hire a Social Media Agency
In the gilded age of promoted posts and snapchat filters, businesses are vying for a spot on the social media stage. Why? Because the proof is in the numbers. Over 80%...
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